Boost fan engagement with our free-to-play games

Attract new real-money customers, generate revenue and increase watch times with Simpleet games.

Predictive games built on live action

Free games for fans
Offer fans predictive games inside your app or broadcast
Social leaderboards
Add a social component to your app with live leaderboards
Generate revenue
Increase revenue with sponsored games, affiliat marketing, and prizing

Your games, your way

Once you're set up, you'll have full access to our admin platform to manage your product.

  • Update prizing
  • View and manage users
  • Create new contests
  • Monitor real-time predictions

From wireframes to [.clr-green]reality[.clr-green]

Our collaborative integration process lays the roadmap to your end product.


Tell us your needs

Our refined micro-betting UX is set up to allow you multiple customizations.


Collaborative partnership

We work together to get you the solution you desire.


Bet monitoring

Employees dedicated to monitoring your incoming bets to ensure accurate pricing.

This is your

Let’s Talk
This is some text inside of a div block.